K&N : Performance Unlimited


K&N Air Filters
Think Less Services: Creative, Production, Post-Production, Photography
Partners: Soldier Unlimited

Think Less was brought on board to breathe new life into the K&N brand, a company known for its high-performance air filters and air intake systems. The brand was facing a decline and needed a fresh approach to reconnect with its audience and showcase its innovative products.

We developed and executed the "Performance Unlimited" series, a multimedia campaign that highlighted the real-life stories of the people who rely on K&N products both on and off-road. This series was designed to be versatile, with content crafted for web, social media, and TVC.

Working closely with K&N's marketing team and ad agency, we spearheaded the production, editing, and delivery of this compelling multimedia content. Over several days of production in Los Angeles, we navigated diverse locations to authentically capture the stories from the community.

The result was a successful campaign that not only reversed the brand's downturn but also set a new trajectory for its success. Through the power of authentic storytelling, we were able to reinvigorate the K&N brand and foster a stronger connection with its audience.

A full suite of assets that communicates K&N’s Performance Unlimited Launch

II. TV Spots

x1 :30s TVC

:60s, :30s, :15s

I. Anthem

x4 :30s, :15s, :6s

III. Heroes

x4 :6s

IV. Action

Asset Library

V. Photo

The Challenge

K&N, a renowned brand in the automotive industry known for its high-performance air filters and air intake systems, was facing a decline. The brand was struggling to connect with its audience and needed a fresh, engaging approach to showcase its innovative products and underline its relevance in the market. The challenge was to reverse this downturn and reinvigorate the brand's image. We needed to create a campaign that would not only highlight the quality and performance of K&N's products but also resonate with the brand's community, both on and off-road. The task was to craft a compelling narrative that would authentically capture the stories of the people who rely on K&N products, thereby fostering a stronger connection between the brand and its audience.

The Concept

To address the challenge faced by K&N, we conceived the "Performance Unlimited" series. This multimedia campaign was designed to showcase the innovative K&N products through the captivating stories of the people who rely on them, both on and off-road.

The campaign was anchored by a 60-second Anthem film, which was also adapted into 30-second, 15-second, and 6-second versions for different platforms. This film set the tone for the entire series, encapsulating the brand's spirit and the passion of its community.

In addition, we created a series of four Hero Films, each 30 seconds long, with shorter versions for specific platforms. These films delved deeper into the individual stories of K&N users, highlighting their unique experiences and the role K&N products play in their lives.

We also produced a series of 6-second Action Clips, providing dynamic, bite-sized content that showcased K&N products in action.

Lastly, we compiled an extensive Asset Library of Photos, providing K&N with a wealth of visual content for various marketing needs.

Through this comprehensive approach, we aimed to breathe new life into the K&N brand, fostering a stronger connection with its audience and highlighting the brand's commitment to performance and quality.


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