Project Wolf with Ronan Donovan

Branded Short Documentary & Campaign

Jack Wolfskin
Think Less Services: Creative, Production, Post-Production, Photography

Join Conservation Photographer Ronan Donovan as he embarks on a journey back to the remote mountains of Yellowstone National Park. His mission? To discover the descendants of Mr. Blue, one of Yellowstone's most unique and celebrated wolves.

Situated in the western United States, Yellowstone National Park spans across Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. As America's first national park, and widely considered the world's first, Yellowstone is renowned for its abundant wildlife and geothermal features. It's also the site of the first managed wolf reintroduction in the U.S. While the park represents various biomes, the subalpine forest is the most prevalent.

Meet Mr. Blue, a Yellowstone wolf with a captivating story. Born with black fur, his coat transformed into a cool, steely blue-gray hue as he matured. Mr. Blue spent most of his life within Yellowstone's borders, mingling with various wolf packs and having at least six different mates. His non-threatening, gregarious behavior allowed him to be readily accepted into these packs.

For years, Ronan has been intrigued by the possibility of Mr. Blue's genetics being passed down within the pack. Join us as we explore this fascinating tale of legacy and survival in the wild.

A full suite of assets that communicates Jack Wolfskin’s Discovery Campaign Launch

I. Main Film

7 Min Hero Film

x2 :30s TVC

II. TV Spots

x4 :20s

III. Teasers

x4 :60s

IV. Episodes

25 Retouches Stills

V. Photo

The Challenge

Jack Wolfskin, deeply rooted in outdoor heritage, sought to extend their commitment to nature's preservation through a partnership with National Geographic Photographer, Ronan Donovan. The challenge? To create a compelling film that not only encapsulates this partnership but also ignites a significant impact for the conservation of wolves in North America. The task was clear - bring this commitment to life, and in doing so, help secure the future of these majestic creatures.

The Concept

As part of Jack Wolfskin's larger campaign, Think Less set out to create a comprehensive suite of content that highlights the urgent need for wolf conservation in Yellowstone National Park. Our team journeyed into the heart of Yellowstone, documenting the impacts of wolf hunting, and used this immersive experience to craft a compelling narrative across multiple formats:

I. Main Film: A 7-minute hero film that serves as the centerpiece of the campaign, providing an in-depth look at the realities faced by wolves in their natural habitat.

II. Advertisements: Two 30-second TV commercials that encapsulate the urgency of the conservation message, designed for maximum impact and reach.

III. Teasers: Four 20-second teasers, each offering a glimpse into the compelling narrative and encouraging viewers to engage further with the campaign.

IV. Episodes: Four 60-second episodes, each focusing on a different aspect of the wolf conservation story, providing a deeper dive into the issues at hand.

V. Photos: A collection of 25 retouched stills, capturing the majestic beauty of the wolves and their habitat, further emphasizing the importance of their conservation.

This multi-faceted approach allowed us to create a compelling and comprehensive narrative that underscores the urgency of wolf conservation, bringing to light the realities these majestic creatures face in their natural habitat.


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