Using a carrier pigeon to send a message would require a few key resources:

  1. A trained carrier pigeon: These birds, also known as homing pigeons, have been selectively bred for their ability to find their way home over extremely long distances. The bird's home would be the location you want to send your message to.

  2. A lightweight message: Pigeons can only carry so much weight, so your message would need to be written on very lightweight material, like thin paper or tissue.

  3. A small container or capsule: This would be attached to the pigeon's leg and would hold your message.

  4. Training: The pigeon needs to be trained to know where "home" is. This is usually done by gradually increasing the distance from which the pigeon is released.

As for how long it would take for your message to be received, that would depend on the distance the pigeon needs to travel and the speed at which it can fly. Pigeons can fly at an average speed of around 50-60 miles per hour under ideal conditions, but the actual speed would depend on factors like the bird's health and age, weather conditions, and the distance to be traveled.

For example, if you were sending a message to a location 60 miles away, and your pigeon was able to maintain an average speed of 60 miles per hour, your message could theoretically be received in about an hour. However, in practice, it could take longer due to the factors mentioned above.

It's also worth noting that using carrier pigeons to send messages is not a reliable method of communication. While they were used historically when there were no better alternatives, today, there are many more efficient and reliable ways to send messages… like using the email form below!